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Swash Plate Variable Piston Pump

Specifications: 80/80A/80D/80J/ dual 80/ dual 130

Rated pressure bar: 320-343

Peak pressure bar: 250-363

Swash plate variable piston pump for main pump of excavator

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Product Advantages

Swash plate variable piston pump for excavator main pumps

For open hydraulic circuits;

  • Multiple control options are available;

  • Built-in centrifugal pump for inlet pressurization;

  • Can be driven with a through shaft;

  • Control modes: electric proportional control, constant power control, pressure cut-off control, and load-sensitive control;

  • Dual pumps each with an independent control function.

Technical Parameter

Technical parameters
Specifications and modelssymbolunit8080A80D80JDouble 80Double 130
Rated speednr/min240024002400210024002100
Maximum speednmaxr/min270027002700260027002500
Maximum flow rateqvmaxL/min216216191.7151.2206273×273
Direction of rotation (as seen from the shaft end)Clockwise (right-handed)
Rated pressurepbar320320320320350343
Spike pressureppbar350350350350380363
Rated voltageIn theIn24VDC12VDC24VDC
Current ratingIbut

weightGmedical history4348.545.531.262.2144.8
